1 definition by Roseandrise

Mary Kate's are usually beautiful and completely selfless. They are lighthearted but determined, strong, and independent. Mary Kate's are very friendly but can be intimidating because they are so independent. Mary Kate's are usually worldly and wise beyond their years. They have old souls but know how to party and can fit into the different aspects of modern day life. Also, they are physically beautiful and super sexy!

They are very trustworthy and reliable. They put others first always sometimes to the point of forgetting about their own feelings. They have sacrificed a lot but are thankful for all they have. Usually brunettes.
Guy: Who's that brunette over there?
Girl: Oh, her? That's Mary Kate!
Guy: Wow, she's beautiful!
Girl: She only dates foreign men, sorry. And we're best friends so you can't have her.
Guy: You've never even talked to her before.
Girl: I know, but just look at her! She's so radiant, I feel like I know her!
by Roseandrise June 23, 2013
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