2 definitions by Rooostu

A fried quesadilla made with cheese, tomato, and parsley, topped with scrambled eggs and salt.

This unique dish is a delicacy for dormers world wide.

It is preferable that the dish be made by a Jared, but as long as a Jared is kept in mind during the making of the jaredilla it may still be categorized as such.
Jared, your jaredillas are fire.
by Rooostu October 2, 2021
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A neurological condition that causes a person to behave in a robotic manner.

A person with roboticism will react to situations and give advice in a purely fact based fashion; not taking into account feelings or emotions.

Aside from the fact that it is not a real scientifically backed disorder, roboticism is extremely difficult to diagnose because robotic people normally don't see a reason to act on feelings in the first place.

It is still unclear if robotic people have feeling or if they are completely devoid of human emotions.
My professor has roboticism. He didn't give me an extension on my assignment when my cat passed away because he didn't see why that would stop me from doing my work.
by Rooostu May 24, 2022
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