4 definitions by RonnieTheGreat

A person who comes from a strange rain swept island called Britain. It used to be called "The British Isles", and "Great" Britain, but that was before it became a third world country. The British fall into two categories: The Dandy and the Chav. The Dandy is the stereotypical version of a Brit; a haughty and sniffy metrosexualized fop who nibbles on cucumber sammiches with pinky extended while spouting off poetry. Then there is the modern stereotype; the fat, drunk, smelly, toothless, uncircumcised, foul mouthed, shaven headed Chav lout in a dirty soccer shirt ("football" they call it, *snort*). It is mostly the English who are associated with this embarrassing and disgraceful image of the British, and not the Scots (who are usually sleeping off their heroin fix), and the Welsh (who are busy sodomizing farm animals). The Northern Irish don't really know what they are, they just want to drink it or bomb it.
"Wow, did you see that group of fat, drunk, and smelly British tourists get beaten to a pulp by that proud, patriotic, and hygienic American citizen defending his land and his honor from those dirty foreign interlopers?"
by RonnieTheGreat January 24, 2009
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The Grauniad is a British left-wing populist rag read by the tweed and corduroy crowd at second rate liberal arts college's . It is known mostly for it's hatred of the United State's, Israel, and Western civilization. It's writer's are fatuous political pimps who write in the style of a frantic housewife whose husband just left her for a younger woman: bitter and vindictive.

The Guardian is required reading if you are middle-class, wear a Che Guevara t-shirt, and like to read books about the Baader-Meinhof gang and Red Brigades.

"I couldn't find the Socialist Worker so I'm reading The Guardian."
by RonnieTheGreat April 23, 2008
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A Democratic party supporter's website that is a gathering place for politics obsessed misanthropes who seethe with impotent rage at their complete lack of power and control over the American people. The poster's at Democratic Underground all seem to be bourgeois lefty political groper's in various stages of mental illness. Paranoia reigns supreme there, as does self-loathing, hatred of people in general, a strident belief in complex conspiracies which dominate and thwart them at every turn, and a desperate need to believe that all of their problems in life are somebody else's fault.
"I can't function in life because Chimpy McFlightsuit, Darth Cheney, KKKarl Rove, Halliburton, Bectel, the KBR death camps, Diebold, Blackwater, LIHOP, MIHOP, chem-trails, Fitzmas, Scooter Libby, and the Pentagon's hurricane and earthquake machine ruined my life... so I might as well hang out here at Democratic Underground."
by RonnieTheGreat April 19, 2008
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A British Army web-site that panders to homosexual members of the British Army.
"I was sharing a pink gin fizz with Dickie and Carruthers at the base club and they told me about a special gay British Army web-site called ARRSE that is just for our kind". We should tell all of our gay friends to post there and find a life mate!!"
by RonnieTheGreat January 19, 2009
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