2 definitions by Rob2243

A type of coffee common throughout a region.
In the northeast (typically around Boston), a "Regulah" contains both cream and sugar. It’s a darker brown in color, but not too dark; there is enough cream there to be seen and tasted. And the sugar does not over power the taste of the coffee, but it just enough to sweeten it.
On the west coast, a regular is simply black coffee, no additives, no chemicals. If they use cream, its low fat milk. If they use sugar, its a subsitute (Splenda). However those people that use additives are the minority.
"I'll have 7 medium regulahs, 5 plain donuts, and 2 con muffins."
"Drive right up"

"This has sugar in it doesnt it!?!?!?! I ordered a regular !
by Rob2243 December 3, 2006
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A type of coffee common throughout a region.
In the northeast (typically around Boston), a "Regulah" contains both cream and sugar. It’s a darker brown in color, but not too dark; there is enough cream there to be seen and tasted. And the sugar does not over power the taste of the coffee, but it just enough to sweeten it.
On the west coast, a regular is simply black coffee, no additives, no chemicals. If they use cream, its low fat milk. If they use sugar, its a subsitute (Splenda). However those people that use additives are the minority.
"I'll have 7 medium regulahs, 5 plain donuts, and 2 con muffins."
"Drive right up"

"This has sugar in it doesnt it!?!?!?! I ordered a regular !
by Rob2243 December 3, 2006
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