3 definitions by ReNeGaDeNorman

A variant of "That's what she said," giving a feel of what O.J. Simpson would say. Said by people who are guilty but refuse to admit it.
1: A - It wasn't me, I swear!
B - That's what O.J. said!

2: A- I swear, I was framed!
B - That's what O.J. said!

3: A - I didn't do it!
B - That's what O.J. said!
by ReNeGaDeNorman April 12, 2011
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When a video on Youtube has over 1 million "likes" but a tiny few "dislikes" and no one knows why. so an explanation is given as to why this is so.
guy 1: hey man the video of Justin Beaver being hit with a water bottle has over a billion likes!

guy 2: awesome!! wait, 4 dislikes?

guy 1: how can that be?

guy 2: hmmm, probably the people who were going to hit the like button got hit with a bottle as well and caused them to hit the dislike button

guy 1: that's a logical youtube dislike explanation
by ReNeGaDeNorman September 30, 2010
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someone on the itunes store who leaves a negative review on a TV season, movie, album, for the sake of pissing people off.
review 1: good album, love it

review 2: sweet, i love this album!

itunes store pest: ugh, awful! it sucks! hate it!
by ReNeGaDeNorman April 10, 2010
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