3 definitions by Randy Leavitt

A Ferullo Stomach ache is when you’re enjoying a nice summer day at ferullo you’ve been there for 5 hours you’ve already drank three ice waters from Dunkin Donuts and it’s almost time to go home. All of a sudden your stomach starts to curddle and you can no longer stand up straight. You feel extraordinary pain in your abdomen area and you no longer can walk. You still have to bike home and you feel that with every step the poop is getting closer and closer to coming out. You are being tortured by time by trying to get home fast enough to let out this demon that is causing havoc in your lower intestine. Once you get home you sit on the toilet for 1 hour or more. Contemplating life. You feel sweaty so you take your shirt off then you get goose bumps and start to freeze so you put your shirt back on. You try to go on your phone to distract yourself from the immense amount of pain your stomach is in, but the pain is to great that you throw your phone down on the bathmat because nothing will help. As some points during the stomach ache you remember times of when you didn’t have this stomach ache. You start to appreciate the times of painless fun with your buds shooting hoops at ferullo. And you realize it was all the water that caused this. And you swear to never do it again. But you end up doing it the next day.
My ferullo stomach ache was so bad I curled up in a ball for 3 1/2 hours in my bed not being able to move.
by Randy Leavitt January 30, 2021
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The disease that anyone with the last name Leavitt is prone to leaving the milk out when eating a bowl of cereal and letting the milk become warm and develops a condensation coat rather than putting the milk back in the fridge.
Gary always leaves the milk out, I think he has Leavittitis
by Randy Leavitt May 17, 2020
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When you shove your dick into a muffler of a running car and let the exhaust go into your the hole in your penis.
One time I had my side hoe perform a dick muffler on me and my dick was brownish black and throbbing for the next week or two
by Randy Leavitt June 26, 2018
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