5 definitions by Rakeman

Goddamn Obnoxious Fan
Basically any person that crosses over from being enthusiastic about a subject to being a fanatical ass-hat that slams anyone who doesn't agree with his/her views. GOFs can rise out of any subject including, but not limited to StarWars, anime, rock bands, games, and TV shows.
Ben- You know, I keep hearing good things about InuYasha, but I just don't like the style.
David- OMFG Inuyasha R0XX0RZ!! U R g@y!! STFU!!!
Ben- Jesus! You've become a friggen GOF!
by Rakeman June 6, 2005
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(adjective) to not be able to read or write in a specific language. Used loosely, it can describe someone who is just an incredibly sloppy speller.
About 75% of the definitions on Urbandictionary.com are made by people who are illiterate
by Rakeman June 1, 2005
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A relatively large bird that goes "Hoo" alot and can turn it's head 180 degrees. They live in the forest, eat mice, and are also capable of making the really freaky noises at night.
Owl:"Hoo! Ho-Hoo! Hoooo!"
Guy: Dude, it's an Owl! Kick-ass!
by Rakeman May 29, 2005
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(noun) tool traditionally used for digging but also works well for shutting annoying people up.
(use 1)- We're putting in an inground pool, so I had to dig a really big hole with my shovel.
(use 2)- Harry just wouldn't stfu so I was forced to whack him in the face with my shovel.
by Rakeman May 31, 2005
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An institution that has actually CONVINCED people, many of them reasonably inteligent adults, that there is an invisible man...living in the sky...watching everything you do, every minute of every day. And that the invisible man has a special list of ten things he DOES NOT WANT YOU TO DO!!
Furthermore, if you do any of these things, he has a special place, where there is fire and smoke and torture and anguish, and it is there he will send YOU, where you will burn and scream and choke and cry and suffer forever and ever, UNTIL THE END OF TIME.

But he loves you.
As good as government is at the bullshit game, it doesn't hold a candle to religion
by Rakeman September 29, 2005
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