4 definitions by RaYRaYRaYRaYRaY

The two words you say straight after you've told a person you have a crush on them.

Bob: "Hey Stacey, have I ever told you that I like you more than just as a friend"
Stacey: "Oh really?"
Bob: "Ngawww shux, now what? I put my heart on the line..."
Stacey: "Mhmmm..."
Bob: "Awkward Much"


Bob: "I told Stacey last night I liked her more than just as a friend"
Joe: "Awkward Much"
Bob: "Yeah man. I don't know how I'm gonna face her today"
by RaYRaYRaYRaYRaY February 20, 2008
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Australian Pride Nation Wide

Also spelt as:

1) A.P.N.W.


2) A.P.N.W
"Fuck Othe! APNW Motherfuckers!"
by RaYRaYRaYRaYRaY February 20, 2008
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The two words you say straight after you've told a person you have a crush on them.
Bob: "Hey Stacey, have I ever told you that I like you more than just as a friend"
Stacey: "Oh really?"
Bob: "Ngawww shux, now what? I put my heart on the line..."
Stacey: "Mhmmm..."
Bob: "Akward Much"


Bob: "I told Stacey last night I liked her more than just as a friend"
Joe: "Akward Much"
Bob: "Yeah man. I don't know how I'm gonna face her today"
by RaYRaYRaYRaYRaY February 17, 2008
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A person who's "in love" with themselves, hence the similarity to the word "love". This person care's a lot about their physical appearance and loves to take photos of themselves, by themselves.

Also known as a type of photo in which, the person taking the photo is also the only person inside the photo. Better Luvos tend to not get any of their hand, forearm or shoulder into the picture.
Look at that person taking luvo's of himself/herself with his/her cell phone.
by RaYRaYRaYRaYRaY February 9, 2007
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