1 definition by RIPtheDirtyDozen

A group of friends who do everything together.
Eat, Drink, Bake, Sleep, Laser Tag, & Mobb, while breaking various laws in the process. Ordinary nights with the dirty dozen may include group sleepovers, midnight rendezvous, and hot boxing.

Fights and hookups can (and will) occur due to excessive contact with one another.
But no matter through good or bad, this kind of friendship is hard to come by, and is usually short-lasting. Nevertheless, the memories made in the short existance of the dirty dozen will always remain.
-"Hey what are you doing tonight?"
-"Doing something random then crashing at Niki's"
-"Oh..I assume with the dirty dozen like always..."
by RIPtheDirtyDozen September 15, 2009
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