8 definitions by RHaRHoNSKSVPCS

When a guy thinks that he is cool either at a club or concert and during a rock show he starts dancing like an ass-hole, or i.e a douce. Usually done when the douch trys look like a mosher, but only hits weaker people on purpose or just dances like a mix between a mosher and a dance pit fag.
Man i cant believe that fag was tring to mosh next to us, all he did was just purposely tackle into us or just dance like a queer. I was going to tell him to go back to his gay dance pit but he looked too much like he was doing a douch dance rather than moshing or dancing.
by RHaRHoNSKSVPCS September 7, 2009
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also called "the crucifier'. it is a sinful and hellish sexual act where a women is tyed to a cross in bed and a man has his way with her
man i cant believe i watched that mexican porno last night in one part the dude pulled the crucifier on her
by RHaRHoNSKSVPCS August 2, 2009
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A funny pun for the word "whitaker", a sex move playing on to the whitaker, where the least things needed to preform the move is a hot girl, black dude (must be in a devil's 3-some). With again involving multiple girl reemings and guy ejaculations.
Man after watching that "Crash" movie last night I wanted to try a whitaker on my girlfriend, but decided to try and pull a Forest Whitaker on her instead.
by RHaRHoNSKSVPCS October 11, 2009
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An awful sexual act preformed with a man and women involving multiple male ejaculations and female "reemings".
Man that girl is so kinky, she let me do a whitaker on her. i reemed her in the cornhole until she craped and fed it to her in one part of the whitaker
by RHaRHoNSKSVPCS August 1, 2009
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2 or more women that have had sex with the same dude. thus making them "bajango sisters"
Amanda and Ashley became bajango sisters after they both had sex with the same ex-boyfriend.
by RHaRHoNSKSVPCS December 9, 2009
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A term used to describe someone who is all out and willing to go completly crazy at something/someone. Term comes from COD act of running crazy around and inside everywhere, and just trying to get kills even though the opposite team might be in big groups/camping.
Dude forget this stupid thing, im just gonna bum rush this place and try to make it.
by RHaRHoNSKSVPCS November 16, 2010
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technically: a bag of bonars that is a weasel

normally: a person who is really wiley at being a dick, and knows how to do it to be very impressive of their dicked-ness.
Wow my friends are such chotch-weasel's they always seem to find a way to get into trouble and get out scott free.
by RHaRHoNSKSVPCS February 25, 2010
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