1 definition by RDCM


1) People who think a "normal teenage social life" involves studies and chores.
2) People who think a drivers license is a "go out and pick so-and-so up from practice/supermarket shopping" license.
3) Someone who thinks the stories and problems you tell them in confidence are fun things to share with friends and family.
4) People in the previous generation who believe nothing has changed since they were teenagers.
5) People who believe school vacations/ weekends are one of the following: family time, chore time, study time, homework time, "let's go do something I want to do" time, "let's wake up earlier than you would on a school day to get an early start" time.
6) People who can vote but still manage to screw the country over.
7) People who want us to form our own opinions as long as they influenced them.
8) People who don't care about global warming, greenhouse effect, extinction, nuclear war, or the world going to hell because they figure they'll be dead before the worst of it happens.
9) The people who think we should have censors on our music when all of theirs talked about rape, sex, and drugs.
10) The people who have 3+ kids when they can barely handle 1 and say they had the others by "accident."
11) Someone who thinks it is appropriate to come on to campus looking for you because you have taken more than 3 minutes to get to their car.
12) The people who you work for without pay and knew parenting was a hard responsibility but still expect something in return.
13) The people who say grades don't matter as long as it's your best, but get angry if you get a grade lower than an A-.
14) Someone who thinks long hair is unacceptable when they walked around with mohawks and fros.
15) Someone who thinks spending MORE time with them is going to fix your relationship.

I can't go to the party tonight because my parents need me to come with them to shop.
by RDCM October 25, 2007
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