4 definitions by Quicksliver

Something bad that you are about to do that is equivalent to smoking weed in the bathroom of a police station.
Person 1: Hey dude you want to hang out tonight?

Person 2: Nah dude you're police station sketchy.
by Quicksliver August 25, 2008
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Someone who is insanely chill or cool to be around. Usually the type of person you would want to smoke with.
Person 1: Hey man you wanna hang with Seth?

Person 2: Yeh dude he's chill as shit!
by Quicksliver August 25, 2008
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To be scared or nervous when doing something bad or illegal.

I was so sketched when me and my friend were smoking weed in the bathroom at school.

by Quicksliver July 13, 2008
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A person who's chiller than a cucumber. Usually the chillest person you can hang out with.
Me and my best friend just sat around smoking all day, and eating a fuck load of Papa Johns. "Yeah man being a chillian is pretty sick."
by Quicksliver August 28, 2008
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