3 definitions by Psycho-doom

The trend of looking like an expensive hobo
Person: I wanted to look like those neo hippies so I bought all of this 60's "vintage" clothes from urban outfitters.
Person 2: so like a hobo with money?
by Psycho-doom May 11, 2014
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Hipster: I shall carry this Nietzche book along with this book on embryology to the coffee shop to look intelligent today.
by Psycho-doom May 10, 2014
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The discipline that everyone swears they know about simply because they took an intro class which barely covers the other areas of the discipline or watch Dr. Phil.
Student: I took an intro class and I will psychoanalyze you despite my professor telling me it's bullshit.
2nd student: I know all about psychology since I watch dr. Phil religiously.
by Psycho-doom May 10, 2014
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