1 definition by ProudlyAlbertan

-A Canadian living in or from the province Alberta.
-Albertans are generally really friendly people, who will always smile, wave or say a friendly greeting when passing you on the sidewalk.
-Many Albertans are rednecks, but you'll find that they are proud.
-Many of the population of Albertans drive 4x4s.
-Some people see Albertans as ignorant or racist, but that's just because Alberta isn't as racially diverse as other provinces, such as Ontario.
-Only an Albertan can understand another Albertan. All Albertans have a special bond.
-To them, it's not a 4 wheeler, it's a Quad, only Quad. Though ATV may be acceptable.
-Generally, they don't speak in a very posh manner. Instead of pronouncing their ING words properly, they say "in".
-To sum it up, Albertans are some of the nicest, trustworthy and down to earth people you'll ever know.
-A women zoomed past me on the motorway in her 4x4, giving me a jovial wave and smile as she did so. She must be an Albertan.

- Katie: Tommy is SO cool!
Jim: Why?
Katie: Because he's an Albertan!
Tommy: Hell yeah.

- Albertan: So I took muh quad for a spin the other day..
Person from Ontario: A what?
Albertan: A QUAD!!
Person from Ontario: OH, you mean a four wheeler?

- Albertan: I was cuttin' muh grass the other day, and I almost cut off muh frickin' toe!
by ProudlyAlbertan February 24, 2009
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