14 definitions by Petergozinya

1) A person who throws rocks at you or your property from a distance and then runs away.
2) A person who likes to play "poke the bear" with people who he thinks will take it lightly and laugh it off.
1) The young Rocksama wantsama enjoyed throwing rocks from the suburban bridge onto boats parked in the marina below.

2) When the Rocksama wantsama toyed with the old shitter pump mechanic he was promptly hit across the back of the head with a shovel. He then went to cry about it to the dude who had the office duck collection.
by Petergozinya May 19, 2010
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A lunchboxer is a guy who brings a lunch to work with him that his wife lovingly prepared for him with his favorite foods. A lunchboxer is usually a more mature knowledgeable worker in contrast to the generation x worker who eats week old dog food out of the vending machine in the truckers lounge just so his wife can get 10 more minutes of sleep.
Old Schooler: "This sure is a good salami and swiss sandwich that my wife packed me today!"

Irish Kid: " Oh quit being such a lunchboxer and showing off. I have to eat another one of these "Paulaburgers" because they are the only items left in the machine again!"
by Petergozinya June 10, 2009
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1) A Chick with a fast car.

2) When a long term plan works out and everything goes smoothly as if it was written in a book.
1) The perky little blonde in the vintage Hemi Cuda passed me on the freeway doing at least 85 mph. She was tits up and wheelin.

2) The Alfster sat back and waited patiently for the fool to fall into his zealot rose trap. Soon, everything would be tits up and wheelin.
by Petergozinya September 22, 2009
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Tiger Blood is blood that is over and above what the rest of the human race has in their viens.
Charlie Sheen is known to have Tiger Blood running through his veins because he can party with the best of them.

Charlie learned all he knows about drinking, drugs, and women from the Alfster.
by Petergozinya March 3, 2011
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1) A mythical urban superhero who haunts inner ring suburbs righting wrongs by infiltrating and undermining groups of menaces to society and rendering them mindless with his tricks.
2) A mindgamer who plays to the outer extremes.
3) Someone who feigns mental weakness or naivety to gain an opponents confidence.
1)"We thought the Alfster was just one of us until he disappeared leaving us with a headache and empty wallets. On top of all of that he ended up with all of our women by the end of the night."
2) Only an Alfster could have fooled me that bad. I feel like a real asshole now. Hopefully my head will be unscrambled after I collect my thoughts."
3) The Alfster proceeded to take all their money and donate it to a childrens orphanage after winning the poker game which he proceeded to win after pretending to be deaf.
by Petergozinya May 27, 2009
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A "hasbeen" crane inspector who always tells you that your crane needs a new wire rope regardless of it's condition.
Mike "the rope" wrote us up again on the crane report. He said we need to replace the wire rope that was just installed last month.
by Petergozinya May 22, 2009
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"Drop Rubber" is the term for knocking someone out with a punch to the head.Dropping the person to the ground like a used rubber.
When the crowd chanted "Drop Rubber" Dale proceeded to punch the drunk in the head and dropped him like a used rubber.
by Petergozinya May 20, 2009
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