8 definitions by PenguinX20

The play channel on Elemental on Discord which everyone used to say you shall perish if you mentioned. Now it's an ordinary thing and somebody insists they "Created" it even though the moderators obviously did.
You dare mention #play7? You shall be smited!
by PenguinX20 November 2, 2021
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To hope one does not encounter a sexual definition when searching the respective word on urban dictionary
"I'm gonna shark this internet term, someone mentioned it online but I don't know what it means."
by PenguinX20 August 21, 2022
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Said when one is tired of urban dictionary "You're so bored" definitions for keyboard combinations and decides to make their own, only to realize that practically any patterned one is already used, like this one.
Hmmmm, what about qxevtnukopzwcrbymilasdfghj?
Nope, already taken. Sigh.
by PenguinX20 September 5, 2022
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The element of surprise! It rhymes with Sodium, but the explosion is even stronger than that.
Person 1: Did you get the Explodium?
Person 2: What's Explodium?
Person 1: The element of surprise!
Person 2: That explains why the room was charred with nothing inside.
Person 2: I guess it was surprising, though.
by PenguinX20 July 19, 2023
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To think one has found something nobody else has, only to google wack.
Person 1: "I thought I found an unused keyboard combination!"
Person 2: "Show me."
Person 1: *Shows the combination*
Person 2: "You just pazosxidcufvygbthnrjmeklwqed, bro. Look, 1 result from urban dictionary."
Person 1: "Dangit!"
by PenguinX20 August 21, 2022
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Every time someone comes up with a definition for something that is found elsewhere or is a regular thing, then they come up with one of these absolutely terrible definitions!
You may have seen some absolutely terrible definitions when looking for something on urban dictionary, or while looking at the example sentence for urban dictionary itself.
by PenguinX20 November 2, 2021
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A crab-like creature that usually comes into existence since things tend to evolve to crab.
The race of creatures slowly became craboids over time.
by PenguinX20 November 2, 2021
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