128 definitions by Pat

This is what trolls do when they warm up for their barage of pointless comments. Flaming can be defined by making pointless or hurtful mesages or just posting to see your own IM. Flamers are often banned or ignored in a forum or chatroom.
augusta is a flamer, lets get him. (not to be confused with a homosexual)

I went flaming last wednesday, now i have a bad rash.
by Pat March 23, 2004
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(noun) a subject often taught by leftist college professors and used as a soap box to spew liberal propaganda about "The Man" keeping them down.
I just took a course on sociology, and now I want to overthrow something because my professor knows all. I must do his bidding.
by Pat March 29, 2004
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In ireland , yoke is a term used for a car.
Get in the feckin yoke, we're hittin the road!
by Pat January 8, 2005
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dam lookit those raisins up there wit their glowsticks
by Pat July 29, 2003
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A fast Nissan sports car in the legendary Z family. Considered the bigger brother of the Skyline. Powered by the 287 HP VQ35DE engine. Available in a roadster model as well. There has also been a rumor about a twin turbo 350Z as well.
The 350Z replaced all the Skylines in the JGTC
by Pat July 15, 2004
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The Greatest Metal band of all time

Huge Rock Stars
Person 1 :Man, did you hear that new Fozzy song ?

Person 2 :Yeah they are HUGE Rock Stars

by Pat May 13, 2003
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1:"Man, i only have two cigarettes left"
2:"But you had a whole deck last nite"
by Pat February 11, 2004
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