16 definitions by Parker

Beluga is often used to descride someone that is festively plump. It was originally said to confuse someone. This was the ultimate diss.
"Oh My God!! Look at the Beluga Whale. What a Fat Bitch!!"
by Parker October 17, 2003
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a) someone that is dumb enough to be an asstard and exhibits qualities of an asshole like nature.
1)When one of your roomates drinks the last beer in the fridge, and chugs it in front of you, laughing diabolically, while (he/she)finishes with a beltch
2)When you are driving and someone pulls out in front of you, causing you to slam on the brakes and blow the horn, as well as possibly causing you to exert excess energy to raise you third phalange (your middle, or "fuck-you" finger)

In both instances you think "fuck, what an asstard...this dick needs to fuck off," thus making the asstard a "fuck dick"
by Parker December 30, 2004
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