13 definitions by Pandora

typically a male resident of a large city(Los Angeles, San Francisco) who carries characteristics of a homosexual, but remaining in the claim of heterosexual. Often looking like, and dressing like a feminine male.
Marty likes flaunting his gucci bag and louie vuitton wallet when he's out with his girlfriend.
by Pandora November 16, 2004
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Closet Horny. Seems awkward and shy at first, but once you pop the fun dont stop.
"I can't believe you got her to do that! She seemed so shy... what a pandora!"
by Pandora January 9, 2005
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Like a minimosher but they wear all black and eyeliner all down their faces.
Usually between the ages 13-16.
Always thinks they're depressed and the world is a bad place.
"I'm so depressed, my maths taecher sed i was below average"

"im going to slit my wrists for attention while being thereputically soothed by Slipknot"
by Pandora December 19, 2003
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When two people, usually friends, recognize that they have opposing view points on a topic yet they do not argue over the issue.
You like coke and I like Pepsi, there's that oppositation thing again.
by Pandora September 12, 2014
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Pachinko is a gambling game played in japan most comonly found in tokyo. Whoever said its a word for prostitue has some serious issues...
Ms. hanasta went to play pachinko with her american friends.
by Pandora February 10, 2004
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(n) seemingly random, minor illness following prolonged stints of sleep deprivation, drinking, and drug use. Often contracted by sharing drinking vessels or nitrous crackers.
I think I picked up raver flu this weekend after hitting four clubs in two days and doing a case of dumb.
by Pandora April 20, 2005
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A person who is turned on by pc equipment.
"my gawd my pc is sexy"
by Pandora April 14, 2005
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