39 definitions by Paco

Any alcoholic beverage consumed inside a moving automobile, but the term is used almost exclusively for beer (or perhaps malt liquor). The beverage is consumed by driver, passenger, or both. This activity is illegal in many states due to open container laws, but is still widely practiced and enjoyed!
"Since your sorry ass is two hours late, we won't have time to tailgate before the concert. Let's pick up some road sodas at the next liquor store."
by Paco June 23, 2005
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when a chick is sucking your dick and then she stops smack he in the back of her head so her bangs fly in front of her face then jizz in her hair if her hair is long its should look like a white curtain
bitch is gettin the white curtains tonight.
by Paco April 2, 2005
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An alcoholic beverage consumed as a hangover rememdy. The phrase comes from the expression "hair of the dog that bit you", meaning that the best cure for what ails you is to have some more of it. In ancient times it was literally used to say that if a dog were to bite you, putting the dog's hair into the wound would heal it. "Like cures like". This hangover remedy is not recommended because a) it leads to a bad habit of drinking during the day and b)it doesn't really work very well. Still, this method works about as well as most other hangover remedies.
Steve: Man, I'm really paying for all those keg stands I did last night.
Tony: Yeah, I'm hurting too. Hair of the dog?
Steve: Why not, man. We got a few beers left in the fridge.
by Paco February 26, 2005
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to spread a loved ones ass checks tell them to hold there breath and then knee them as hard in the ass hole as possible the sound will resemble that of an elephant i.e. Babar the elephant
i gave that puta the gnarliest babar last night.
by Paco March 31, 2005
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An employment haven for college dropouts, musicians, poets, and sundry artsy types, still living at home whilst pressing into their 30's, desperate for health insurance until they can make a living following the muse.
my high school drop out brother just got a job at McDonalds.
Oh yeah! Well, my college drop out sister just got a job at Starbucks. That is; until she makes it as a stage actress.
by Paco March 16, 2004
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To make a regrettable late night phone call after drinking heavily. These calls are often made by guys to ex-girlfriends or someone they want to date. The result is often embarassment and self-loathing for being a)overly emotional, b)incoherent, or c)creepy
Yo, go take Ace's phone away from him before he starts drunk dialing again.
by Paco March 5, 2005
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A funny, goofy looking Commissioner's son who wants to have a face like Shah Rukh Khan and a body like Hrithik Roshan.
by Paco April 9, 2005
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