39 definitions by Paco

the breaking point from where emo becomes so emotional that listening to it is like throwing your soul in an emotional wood chipper, once you hear it you will never feel happiness again.
i here rudie killed himself after hearing that emo core ballad.
by Paco April 3, 2005
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Banda ("band") refers to the form of music played by large brass ensembles that first appeared in the northern Mexican state of Sinaloa several decades ago by German immigrants. Similar to Polka, a typical banda ensemble features trumpets, trombones, tubas, accordians and percussion instruments, and may include keyboards. String instruments are used sparingly, if at all. Banda sounds somewhat similar to American Big Band music, but with a distinctive Mexican twist. It's loved by pollos, paisas, mojados,frijoleros,tijuaneros,borrachos, wetbacks and beaners everywhere.
"Is that Banda I hear or is the circus coming to town?"
by Paco March 17, 2005
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" That pinche Borracho vomitted all over my shoes."
by Paco March 17, 2005
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A small unimpressive knife thats is used by gringos in knife fights in the Barrios.
Yo essay thats one faggy shankette you are packing.
by Paco March 31, 2005
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that shankette is mighty homo Ryan!
by Paco March 31, 2005
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This is a term that generally refers to water that has passed through a load of garbage. This "juice" smells awful and is to be avoided at all costs. The most common way for garbage juice to form is for lots of rain to fall into a dumpster, outdoor garbage can, or a poorly drained dump. Anyone who comes into contact with this liquid should take a shower as soon as possible and seek a career change.
"Boss says we gotta empty all the garbage cans on the property.....let's do it today before it rains, I don't want to get garbage juice on me."
by Paco April 21, 2006
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