1 definition by Okiedokie

'Swit' (swit/switter/swittest) - good, sweet, sick, cool, cheeky, amazing, brilliant, awesome, wicked

A combination of the words 'sweet' and 'sick' (both in the context of meaning something is good). Calling something or someone 'swit' would make it or them 'sweet' 'sick' 'cool', 'good' or even 'cheeky' or 'attractive'

It originated in September 2012 from Horsham, West Sussex, United Kingdom, and has spread around local towns such as Horsham, Crawley, Copthorne.
1. 'Ahh Chris that goal you scored on FIFA was swit!'

2. 'Damn you are looking swit tonight!'

3. 'That was the swittest meal I've ever had!'

4. 'That concert couldn't have been any switter!'
by Okiedokie September 12, 2012
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