2 definitions by Numdenu

1. Noun. A planet in Mass Effect where you must sacrifice one of two squadmates, Kaidan Alenko or Ashley Williams. Other notable events include an encounter with main villains Saren and Sovereign, the detonation of a nuclear bomb, and the possible death of Urdnot Wrex, another squadmate.
2. Verb. The act of sacrificing someone on Virmire.
1. I'm completing all the sidequests before I go to Virmire.
2. Ashley? Pshaw. I totally Virmired that bitch.
by Numdenu August 3, 2011
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Yiddish/German word for crap, garbage, trash, etc. The kind of shit that you don't want to step in, and if you do, you'll be walking funny for the next two blocks in an attempt to scrape it off your shoe.

The term is sometimes used to refer to Luke fon Fabre, protagonist of the game "Tales of the Abyss."
Ew, you went out with that slut? She's total dreck. Dump her immediately.
by Numdenu November 21, 2010
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