12 definitions by Nuclear Tank Factory

pronounced: "by-par-tih-sin cross-fyr"

Bipartisan crossfire is the attack received directly and indirectly by both sides of a two-party political system. In the heat of opposing sides, those identified as the "center" or "middle" of the political spectrum are often criticized for not fully embellishing all of the motives of either party. The centrist ridicules the extremists on both sides, such as Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore*, but also usually agrees with the open-minded on both sides. These far-lefties/righties are usually the ones that instill the bipartisan crossfire in the first place.
Lastly, bipartisan crossfire is socially dangerous. In a world dominated by opposition, the last thing we need is to silence the open-minded: they're usually the ones who stop us from trying to annihilate each other.
*According to the teen-shaping TV program "Family Guy," these two are the same person. Oh, and Nazis support McCain/Palin '08. Because National Socialism and conservatism go hand in hand. Look it up.
The aspiring centrist couldn't fully identify with either party because he supports both the War on Terror and President Barack Obama (mostly, like 73%). Both sides' bipartisan crossfire left him politically alone. He is now left at a crossroads — does he abandon his own identity and conform to one party, or keep his ideals, knowing no one will hear them?
That, or drop politics altogether and become a mindless, Twittering, texting, "OMGi<3thisSong!" media whore.
by Nuclear Tank Factory June 1, 2009
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pronounced: "ham-mick"

A cradle-shaped net or cloth suspended from two points, designed to hold someone in a different kind of relaxation posture. This free-swinging state is part of a complete summer day's rest scene, along with a strawed, iced drink, a hat, and sunblock.

Lastly, multiple hammocks can be made to sound both relaxing and extreme by spelling it as "hammox."

WARNING: NEVER use a net hammock while fat. The holes will amplify your fat so it disgustingly squeezes through. As if that weren't repulsive enough, you're left with a cross-hatching design on your skin. *shudders*
I laid in the hammock. It was nice.
by Nuclear Tank Factory June 1, 2009
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1. Used after becoming aware of an unbelievable or astonishing subject. Acronym for "What The F---?!"
2. In cases such as Amy the Slasher, it may also represent "Wells That Frequent?!" After one becomes aware of the well in her backyard she uses to dump her victims. The very notion of a well in a backyard prompts one to exclaim —— well, you know*. For more, see oh-so-convenient.

*Note: For those whose minds run at a lower rpm, that which one would exclaim here is not "Well, you know." Indeed, it is "wtf?!"
1. At the restaurant part of the date, Shannon complains to the waiter, "Waiter, there's tomato in my hair soup!"
Mike exclaims, "Wtf?!"

2. After seeing 138 wells along the countryside on the road trip, a frustrated Jason bursts, "WTF?!"
by Nuclear Tank Factory March 12, 2009
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pronounced: "web-yool"
etymology: "web" + "schedule"

A webule is one's list of regularly visited websites. These sites are usually either in the browser's Address Bar memory or Favorites section. The most common types of webule sites are blogs, social networks, gaming, humor, and entertainment sites, such as YouTube. Unfortunately, webules can consume one's time, since these kinds of sites depend on regular visits for function. It can actually be a good practice to "accidently" erase another's webule, for they might forget some of the sites.
Dude, you check your webule 10 times a day. Give it a rest. I can tell that many of them don't even entertain you anymore. I'm going to be a good friend and do the following: *erases webule* It's for your own good, buddy.
by Nuclear Tank Factory May 24, 2009
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pronounced: lo-ding

1. the single most excruciating word to the ears of computer owners
2. filling with some kind of cargo
3. receiving components of something desired
1. computer: "Whatever crap you want is still loading." me: "GAH!!"
2. We loaded that medium with some sort of cargo.
3. The 4-kb text file took longer than 10 seconds to load.
by Nuclear Tank Factory March 23, 2009
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pronounced: mee-dee-um

1. venue
2. one (usually an old, ugly woman) who supposedly communicates with the spirits of the dead
3. a crappy-ass TV show that had no future from the begginning
1. The medium I use to go Internetting is Internet Explorer 8, because Firefox is too cluttered and visually unappealing with no address bar memory, Chrome doesn't have fullscreen or address bar memory, and Opera… I forget why.
2. It's a wonder how the medium industry survives when the idiot population skyrockets… Oh, wait…
3. "Medium" sucks.
by Nuclear Tank Factory March 24, 2009
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pronounced: "big-ist mass mer-der-ers in hih-ster-ee"
qualification: be human, responsible for deaths, and recorded in history

This is a list that took me a while to compile, and was used for something else, but I'm posting it here so people know. So people know…

k = 1,000
m = 1,000,000
> = over
< = almost

12. Idi Amin Dada —— 100k-500k (most say 300k)
11. Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini —— >430k
10. Mengistu Haile Mariam —— 500k
9. Jean Kambanda —— 800k-1m
8. Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev —— >1m
7. Saloth “Pol Pot” Sar —— 1.5m
6. Genghis Khan —— >1.7m (just 2 cities)
5. Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti —— <2m
4. Suharto —— 8m + 10k’s of Allied POW’s
3. Joseph Stalin —— 20m
2. Adolf Hitler —— 6m (Holocaust) + 42m (European deaths in WWII)
1. Mao Tse Tung —— 70m Chinese + countless others of the Far East
Idi Amin, Benito Mussolini, Mengistu Haile Mariam, Jean Kambanda, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Pol Pot, Genghis Khan, Saddam Hussein, Suharto, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Mao Tse Tung are the biggest mass murderers in history. Search them. Read of their atrocities. Because of these evil men, over 155 million people are dead.
by Nuclear Tank Factory June 1, 2009
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