20 definitions by Nubluva

"Shit Out Of Luck"

This is because the word "sunny" comes from the word "sun," and the spanish word for "sun" is "sol." SOL (back in english) is an acronym for "Shit Out Of Luck."
nub: Damn, I tried dividing by zero, what now?

nubluve: I guess we're all sunny... I love you.
by Nubluva April 3, 2007
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To define "nubluva," "n00b" and "nub" must first be defined. If you don't like my definitions, you may check out their own by typing the word into the search box above, lol

n00b: Someone who is new to a video game or a forum and thusly, they suck at it.

nub: Someone who isn't new to a game, but they still really suck. (I recommend looking up this one on it's own)

nubluva: Someone who loves to fight n00bs and nubs in video games for an easy pk.
Jason is a nub at Halo. David sorta-kinda is okay.

Jason and David happen to be in the same game.

Jason and David are not on the same team.

David hunts down Jason and caps his ass twenty times.

Jason is a nub, and David is a nubluva.
by Nubluva September 30, 2006
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"Eightz" sounds like "aids"


Cass: you have 8z

Glenn: 8z?

Cass: the hiv

Glenn: o, that's funny, lol, aids, lmfao, jigglypuff, rofl, bbq
by Nubluva April 3, 2007
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What you get when you connect to your neighbor's wireless (or wired, for that matter) internet, with or without his or her knowledge.
Didja hear? Johnny connected his wireless ethernet card to his neighbor's wireless network, and now he's got neighbornet!
by Nubluva December 27, 2006
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A widely overapreciated animal.
Jim got a monkey for a pet! He named it Carl. Carl likes to eat and throw feces.

Jim thinks that "all the girls" will go out with him because of his wild and exotic pet.

In reality, every time he brings a girl home, Carl flings his poo at her.

Jim is a loser.
by Nubluva May 13, 2006
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1. An upper-body limb on a human.

2. A weapon, typically a gun of some sort.

3. Apparantly, a very under-appreciated word on the Urban Dictionary, seeing as how this is the first post under this word.
1. I just spilt hot wax on my arm.

2. The guy who robbed the bank was armed.

3. Nubluva found an old word that many people use, but no one has yet defined on Urban Dictionary.
by Nubluva April 9, 2006
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That one gun from Unreal Tournament; it's really called a "Bio Rifle" or something. It shoots globs of green goo that looks like alien spooge (hence the nickname "Spooge Rifle"), and then explodes into smaller blobs of green goo.

The gun has high power, but it travels slow through the air and is easy to dodge. It only explodes if you charge it up, then it's okay if you miss.
nub: u suk
Nubluva: your trying to shoot me with a spooge rifle, u nub!
by Nubluva October 17, 2005
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