4 definitions by Nerderous

One who nerders.
Your friend on Halo (that crazy sniper) is a fucking Nerderer!

nerd nerder
by Nerderous September 8, 2009
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The crime of unlawfully killing a person by a nerd.

Nerder is usually commited in a video game, chess game, or similar nerdy enviroment.

to kill (a newb) unkindly and with premeditated malice.
12 yr old: I'm gonna team kill you
Average player: Fool, I'll nerder you...

nerd nerderer nerderous
by Nerderous September 8, 2009
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Short for Mortal Kombat Trilogy. A 2d fighter video game released by Midway entertainment in 1996. Often considered one of the best, if not the best, game of the Mortal Kombat series. Every character that has ever appeared in a Mortal Kombat game prior to Mortal Kombat Trilogy appears in this game. Mortal Kombat Trilogy introduces the Aggressor bar; which when filled, causes the character to becomes much faster and stronger for a short period of time. This game also includes brutalities, an 11-button combo which causes their opponent to explode. Trilogy contains the same storyline as MK3/UMK3...

also referred to as Trilogy
p1: A friend got me MKT for my birthday. As a mk addict I was stoked....

p2: what?? really? Let's hit it up then!

p1: kk
by Nerderous May 16, 2010
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A term used to describe high quality cannibus.
Dank weed should be sticky, tasty, and smooth. It should also get you high, really really high 8) .....

-Can also be used to describe other consumable items, such as food.
Damn!.... that shit was dank...
got any more?

smooth tasty
by Nerderous September 8, 2009
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