21 definitions by Nerdboy1982!

Cancer that develops on the hand when you masturbate too much.
“I am sorry sir, but you have a case of Palmer’s Sarcoma.
“Your habit of fapping to internet porn on a constant basis has given you cancer of the jerk off hand.”
“I am giving you money to buy an escort”
“That should save your hand and your life...
Unless you get AIDS
by Nerdboy1982! December 12, 2019
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Elephant snarfing is a type of ass play where one person puts peanuts in the other persons ass.
Also known as “feed the circus elephant”.
An elephant snarf has a fetish for having food products esp. peanuts shoved up their ass.
“I used to like ass fisting or gloving, but now I am a convert to elephant snarfing”.
“Pass the peanuts! Yum”
by Nerdboy1982! August 6, 2019
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An anus that hasn’t been widened by anal sex. A tight virgin butthole.
“I was walking down the street and I saw Dirk. I heard he has a tight pucker.”
by Nerdboy1982! July 29, 2019
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“Man I haven’t worked out in a while, I have a pair of gross tots!”
by Nerdboy1982! July 27, 2019
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A ho that’s used like a ‘dishrag’ by men in the neighborhood. Meaning she is a whore.
Yo man that ho is a damn dish rag.
She been doing everyone in the hood!
by Nerdboy1982! August 1, 2019
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Harry was a good shmutza.. he could always make the men’s asses in Tel Aviv quiver with passion.
by Nerdboy1982! October 23, 2019
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a lioness is a woman of the 75 plus age range that has sex with guys in the 20's
"I am a lioness young man. Pull down my depends and make me roar like the Sahara and get my juices flowing again!"
by Nerdboy1982! August 11, 2023
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