3 definitions by Nefmaster

The deal you get for knowing someone working in retail, who's willing to risk their job for your financial well-being.
Jeff: Love your new dress babe; looks expensive though.
Laura: Thanks, Jenny friendscounted it for me; saved me a bengie.
by Nefmaster December 2, 2011
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A butt so amazing it brings tears to one's eyes.
Jim: Hey Scoot, you see that hostess?
Scooter: Damn, she's fine and check out that Onionbutt!
by Nefmaster July 20, 2011
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Being confined to the state of Minnesota during the six winter months either by family commitments, financial constraints or mental constraints and absolutely loathing every second of it. Symptoms include: fear, cold anxiety, cabin fever and frequent checking of weather details of locations warmer and comfortable even by relative comparison ie. Juneau, Miami or Antarctica.
I was finally cured of my Minnesotitis this past February when I permanently moved out of the state.
by Nefmaster December 6, 2011
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