33 definitions by Nat

a wannabe gangsta..NOT a whit gangsta.
Ja Rule is a WAKNSTA 50 cent is a true GANGSTA.
by Nat April 15, 2003
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a) pointlesswasteoftime.com

b) a popular, inclusive forum that is brutal to newbs
The forums at PWOT totally owned me when I posted a stupid newb introductory thread the other day.
by Nat July 22, 2004
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The hypothetical name of a man who works with cars in a grade 9 Math textbook.
Q:If Mpho works for 12 hours and fixes one car how many hours will it take him to fix two?
A: Jesus.
by Nat October 10, 2004
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A girl is a popsicle if she stops her slutty friend from having oral sex. Also know as cock block
A: I really want to hook up with Brooke, but her best friend is such a popsicle
B: Yea, with her around youll hever get any head
by Nat March 4, 2004
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A stupid person and/or mentall ill person.
Telopea (suburb in Sydney Australia) is full of Booey's!
by Nat January 24, 2004
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one of the best punk rock bands ever though american idiot is not htere best album
by Nat March 21, 2005
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1) when a girl gives a guy the "i want your penis look".
2) when someone is zoned out and looks directly at you but right through you
1) mary was horny and gave me the skunk eye
2) he was so stupid he gave everyone the skunk eye
by Nat February 16, 2004
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