10 definitions by Nartal

A pun, based on "Bat-flick, bad flick (movie), and Affleck"
Man, the media is really trying to talk up Ben Affleck as Batman, but the more they do it, the more fans become convince it will be a BADFLECK.
by Nartal August 28, 2013
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Norman: "The turnover rate at our enterprise has increased exponentially."

Eric: "Stop speaking jargonese!"
by Nartal November 24, 2012
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An expression you say when you are at a loss for words, due to hearing something utterly confusing. Better to say this to fill the silence.
Person A: "HH- people put also more emphasis on materialistic motives
so they are more likely to pursue high-end careers
Person B (totally confused): "Okay.... That'll do pig."
by Nartal June 1, 2021
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When someone expends way too much energy on something that isn't important, to make make themselves appear above another person.
You have won an argument on the internet, and have spent a lot of time proving your superiority over me... in a thread! Congratulations on your Pyrrhic Pedestal.
by Nartal July 22, 2021
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Back to back shifts, sp. closing shift followed by an opening shift the next day, primarily making a night on the town impractical.
by Nartal April 1, 2011
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The process of missing interesting tourist attractions and fond memories, because your eyes are glued to a smartphone treasurehunt ap called GeoCache, to sign your name on a piece of paper along with random strangers who also wasted a good vacation. Extra points for avoiding conversation, and learning absolutely nothing about your surroundings.
Person A: What did you think of the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

Person B: I don't know, I was too busy GeoWanking on my phone, looking for a note someone with Hepatitis probably wrote on, near the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
by Nartal September 24, 2014
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Purposefully exaggerating angst to garner sympathy.
Jon : Man my life sucks. I hate it.
Jeremy : What's up with the wangst?
by Nartal November 26, 2012
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