4 definitions by NOTSO

Refers to the intention of a man to have sex with a woman. From Cole Porter's song "Too Darn Hot". Lyric in part below.

According to the Kinsey report
Every average man you know
Likes his lovey-dovey to court
When the temperature is low
But when the thermometer goes right up
And the weather is sizzling hot
Mister Man, with the plan, is not
Current ads for Viagra refer to "A man with a plan"
by NOTSO April 7, 2014
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Derogitory rewording of the name Johah. Humorous way of trying to belittle or talk shit in font of others to a person with that name whom you believe to have you under thumb
She resented her husband for husband started calling him J own ya
by NOTSO May 22, 2022
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A term used to say hello to a close friend whom you have done alot of antisocial antiestablishment type things together. Things like pulling a train on a girl or girls, having each othets backs in street fights, committing crimes together, doing illicit drugs togethe a friend that is always down.
by NOTSO May 22, 2022
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One who "slobs the knob" in a metephorical sense.
That new kid is such a cocksmoke. The only way he got that promotion is by cocksmoking.
by NOTSO September 21, 2005
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