5 definitions by Morthandeus

A person posting in an online forum in a way which is stupid, for example by exposing himself or herself to disciplinary or legal action by making offensive or libeleous comments.

Typically the commentard will try to be anonymous but reveal himself through logged IP adresses that resolve back to his employer or by otherwise inadvertently giving out identifying information.
''A commentard using the handle Scrutineer tore into research that demonstrated how it might be possible to make a PIN authorised transaction'' - The Register

''Colorado man faces jail for being a commentard'' - J.P. Weichel - Gawker
by Morthandeus February 24, 2010
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Annoying commercial advertisement with loud or piercing noise, over-emphasis on spoken words or otherwise excessively distracting to the point of inducing rage.

Source: Reddit
Have you seen the new car insurance commercial? It's such an earfuck that I had to mute the TV! I will hate that company forever.
by Morthandeus October 23, 2009
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''anything less than two annual reports is as likely
to be enronning as real fortunemaking'' - Cory Doctorow, Makers
by Morthandeus March 3, 2010
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1. n Renewable, organically farmed food source.

Source: W Ellis, Wired UK, November 2009 issue.
We need more infants and dried fish if we are to avoid starvation this winter.
by Morthandeus October 9, 2009
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1. Alternate way to read out PB (normally petabyte, 10 to the power of 15 bytes) to emphasise the enormity of the storage capacity through association with oversized porn collections.

2. A vast and expanding number which is difficult to qualify but approximately equal to the total amount of storage worldwide that is dedicated to porn.
Damn, there must be at least a pornobyte of torrents on this darknet.
by Morthandeus October 23, 2009
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