2 definitions by Monki-info

Used to reference a person who may appear to be gender inspecific. Generally used in the third person. This isn't suggesting that 'it' is a third gender but merely agreeing to reference the person in a gender neutral way. Often applied to girls with short hair (dykes?) and boys with long hair (jesus?).
Mr a: "is that person a boy, girl or an it?"
Mr b: "i dunno but its ugly!"
by Monki-info July 10, 2005
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British TV series about a trio of gay men (and their acquaintances) living their lives on the Manchester gay scene. Was written by Russell T. Davies who went on to write for Doctor Who. Includes graphic sexual imagry and very taboo subjects. Ran to 2 popular series in Britain and was sold to the States.
"Next up on Channel 4 is Queer As Folk. This show contains graphic sex scenes, nudity and strong language from the outset."
by Monki-info July 7, 2005
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