4 definitions by Mok

Beta male who plays blitzcrank and catches balls in his spare time at his big age. Considering make a living off street pharmaceutical distribution. Will whip a dirty diss track on you
Look at that homosexual, definitely a lotfi
by Mok November 19, 2018
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lunacris (n): 1. A crisis, during a lunar eclipse. 2. An alternative spelling of ludicrous, as seen on Slashdot. 3. Hewlett-Packard.
"Just... Wow. This is lunacris"
by Mok February 23, 2005
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"i failed that test"
by Mok November 24, 2003
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While love is an extension of lust, lust is just an extension.
I've lusted for you for many years, let's fuck.
by Mok September 23, 2004
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