1 definition by Modern Socrates

This has to be the most racist racial slur ever. It implies that non-whites are stereotypically trashy. Therefore any white person that is vulgar,poor, and or helpful to non-whites is cosidered "Trash" to the "Great White Race". Of course that is bullshit because there is no great race except the human race.
The term really is the word used to uphold something called White Privilege among Whites. White supremists want to uphold White Privilege by using the media and featuring Blacks in inferior roles. Whenever a person reasons against White privilege they are considered "White Trash".

The upholding of "White privilege" by using the media has to be stopped. Therefore the term "White Trash" is the worst racial slur ever. This is America and we White Americans should recognize that the races are equal. As for non-whites, they could be themselves withut being "trashy".
Racist: "Look at Africa, it is messed up". The news proves Black people have no capability of running themselves".

Sensible One:
"The news mainly points out problems".

"What are you talking about ? Let me guess, you are White Trash LOL ".

Sensible One:
"Just because I gave a reasonable response to your racist comment does not mean I'm White Trash".


by Modern Socrates August 24, 2005
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