10 definitions by MisterMaximvs

Simpcophant : The merging of "simp" and "sycophant" ; a man siding with a rich and powerful woman at every opportunity in hopes of maybe getting something in return, one day.
John is such a simpcophant, he keeps agreeing with her every time because he hopes of getting laid with her and enjoy her money.
by MisterMaximvs July 28, 2020
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A concerned citizen is a citizen of a country, often uneducated or stupid, that is concerned by a subject recently brought to his attention, most of the time by the media but can also be from other, more local sources, like a neighbor, even if the subject never affected his life in any way prior to the hearing of it.
Fox news started talking about them Muslims in Iraq. Now, it's the only thing Bob talks about, nowadays. He's such a concerned citizen. But what about the middle east? He keeps asking. God!
by MisterMaximvs August 14, 2017
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A concerned citizen is a citizen of a country that is extremely concerned about a subject he just saw on TV, even if said subject does not affect his life in the slightest. Sometimes, the concern becomes permanent. When that happens, it is considered a mental illness.
There's no Muslims in town, and yet, ever since Fox news informed Jon of the dangers Muslims represents, he bought himself a gun for self defense. He's a very concerned citizen.
by MisterMaximvs September 24, 2017
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A modern day warrior is a man or woman who does things that involves very little to no danger while considering themselves to be courageous while doing so.
She says I have no balls to talk to her. She's a modern day warrior that never faced a real danger in her life.
by MisterMaximvs October 14, 2019
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Godwin's fourth law is a term created by Godwin fans, not mr. Godwin himself. The term means that the longer you talk with a conservative, the more likely he is to bring cops and soldiers into the discussion, and compare them with the currently debated subject, even if the comparison seems outright impossible or not making any sense at all.
I was talking with John the other day, about these poor abandoned cats at the animal shelter. The guy invoked Godwin's fourth law and said that soldiers aren't treated any better when they come back home. It's hard to understand him sometimes.
by MisterMaximvs August 3, 2017
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My neighbor is a black republican. He is against slavery, but for debt slavery. He believes in pro life ideas, yet uses condoms. He is a well intentioned, pro war conservative that only wants to help. He wants Trump to build a wall and ban Muslim immigration, yet considers himself a friend of the Mexicans and Muslims. He just doesn't make sense. I think he's a cisgender fag.
by MisterMaximvs April 17, 2017
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A rating, between medium and mediocre.
Saw Star Wars yesterday. It was a mediocrum movie.
by MisterMaximvs May 13, 2017
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