22 definitions by Miller

1.what people say when they dont wanna say shit or damn..from the *oh* so popular maulibu's most wanted
"ah! shiz-nit"
by Miller December 1, 2003
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extremely ugly and annoying woman that works the bar see also skeezer
by Miller March 20, 2005
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a fake version of rock ports tht chavas wear
y aye ya fukin mug, £200 rock ports these r mam ya fukin mef (they will actually b £5 fakes)
by Miller January 2, 2004
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extremely ugly and annoying woman that works the bar see also skeezer but not hot
yo terranova fat sweaty betty just grabbed your ass
by Miller March 21, 2005
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The act of having really rough sex. Possibly with Oreo cookies involved.
I was crunching with Sam Malone last night and I tore that skank up.
by Miller September 17, 2004
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The state of stress and compulsive cleaning that overcomes a homemaker in the days leading up to a realtive's visit or a party.
My brother's graduation party is tonight. It's been driving my mom cleansane.
by Miller June 17, 2006
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The art of cramming some Oreos into a girls vagina and then using your penis to crunch them up. The end result is your dick looks like a black and white barber shop pole.
Hey baby lets bust out some oreos and do the persian twist.
by Miller September 17, 2004
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