1 definition by MikeylHunt

Also known as the Douchebuggy, the Prius is the Batmobile for douches, dumbasses, and bad drivers.
Every person behind the wheel of a Prius/Douchebuggy is either
A) A douche
B) A bad driver
C) An idiot with no common sense
D) All of the above
Many Prius drivers think they are better than everyone else for driving one, however, they are like a giant "I Am A Douche" sign one drives everywhere.

If you ever think of buying a Prius, you are either not thinking or want to find another way to be a douche.
Person A: Did you see that asshole on his Bluetooth headset being rude to everyone at Starbucks leaving his car parked in 2 spaces like a total dick? Why would someone do that?
Person B: Well, did you see he was driving a Prius?
Person A: Oh... Well that explains everything.
by MikeylHunt October 23, 2013
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