10 definitions by Miker94

Any time a person is wronged unexpectedly they are said to have been given a "dusti russell." Basically anything that happens to a person that is considered negative, mean, sneaky, wrong, painful, harmful, callous, dangerous, evil, disgusting, nasty or unpleasant and that occurs when you least expect it, that is when you received a "dusti russell."
Caden says to Cameron, "Man, I was in the zone and totally thought I had the sale, until that lady slipped me the dusti russell."

Earle was just realizing that he had some pain when he urinated. So he asked Mike for some advise and Mike said, "it sounds to me like someone gave you a dusti russell!"
by Miker94 January 3, 2010
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To be "pottered" means to have been duped, lied to, deceived or simply douched by another person. Another definition of the word might pertain to the idea that if one is to do something that makes absolutely no sense at all, like for example putting a customer into a rental car when all they needed was their windshield wiper fluid filled up, then you would have been "pottered."
Ryan (rental car agent): "Hello sir, I'd be happy to put you into that vehicle, what are they doing to your car today?"

Customer: "Oh I just don't like the color, so I'll drive your car for one hour while they just stare at my car for awhile."

Brooke (rental car agent): "Hey Ryan, looks to me like you just got pottered!"
by Miker94 January 5, 2011
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FNS stands for Flared Nostril Syndrome. It occurs when someone has abnormally large and/or flared nostrils all the time. A perfect example of this syndrome is on Mark Texiera of the Yankees, he has a bad case of it.
Hey man, what's wrong with that guy's nose?

Nothing, he just has a bad case of FNS.
by Miker94 October 27, 2009
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This is slang for, "The particular incident that just occured was..." This is often used to describe an unusually bizarre situation that is likely untrue.
Caden (rental car employee): "So what happened sir?"

Dontae: "The car was jacked from my crib cuh."

Caden: "How did this happen sir?"

Dontae: "Well, wha had happen was dis dude just got all swolled up and had snatched dat piece."
by Miker94 October 29, 2009
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Wii butt is the phenomenon that occurs when a grossly out of shape person plays games such as wii bowling and the next day has a sore left butt cheek from the "bowling motion."
"Man, I was playing wii bowling last night and my arse is killing me today!"

"Yeah, you have a bad case of wii butt!"
by Miker94 January 3, 2010
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when a car is said to "drive like suck," it means that there is some sort of mechanical issue with the vehicle preventing the overall comfort of the ride.
"Yo dog, this car drive like suck!" Well sir, what exactly is wrong with it? "It drive like suck!" Well sir, I can't exactly tell the mechanic at the shop that it simply drive like suck. "Well, I don't like it...it drive like suck!"
by Miker94 October 25, 2009
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the act of making a reservation, whether it be for a hotel, rental car or any other item that can be reserved.
"Yo cuh, I needs to reservate dat car for my sistah Tanquesha."
by Miker94 October 25, 2009
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