5 definitions by MickSwaggger

Cliques who form solely around the ownership of iPhones. Race, sex, or religion play no part in the formation of iPosses and the main topic of discussion in said posse will primarily focus on the features and apps of iPhones.

Note: iPosses may or may not act snobby towards iPhony's and/or non-Iphone owners. It all depends on the individual.
After John got the iPhone he was immediately accepted into the local chapter of the iPosse at his school.
by MickSwaggger March 28, 2009
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Cliques who form solely around the ownership of iPhones. Race, sex, or religion play no part in the formation of iPosses and the main topic of discussion in said posse will primarily focus on the features and apps of iPhones.

Note: iPosses may or may not act snobby towards iPhony's and/or non-Iphone owners. It all depends on the individual.
After John got the iPhone he was immediately accepted into the local chapter of the iPosse at his school.
by MickSwaggger March 28, 2009
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A crapple is the result of a sliced apple being left out for an extended period of time. The crapple is characterized (but not limited to) a dark yellowish-brown inside.
After I sliced my apple I went and did a few chores only to come back and find it had become a crapple!
by MickSwaggger March 9, 2009
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That one kid who cuts himself in woodshop class.
Caleb likes to use the handsaw to bleed himself in woodshop.

by MickSwaggger September 23, 2009
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An iPhony is an individual who attempts to pass off an iPod Touch as an iPhone.
iPhony's will often use their iPod Touch as a way to enter an iPosse, however, these iPhony's are easily distinguished.
by MickSwaggger March 28, 2009
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