4 definitions by Miapapz

A sexy bitch is the upgrade of a basic bitch. I mean who wants to be a basic bitch that’s a downgrade and is in basic skills? Sexy bitches have more charm and attract more people. Sexy bitches also have more wit and intelligence than someone who is flat out basic. They’re not your average basic hoe, in fact they’re so much more. Unlike basics, sexy bitches have a wide range of personalities. I mean that most basics act very similar or the same just to fit in. Sexy bitches don’t care what others thinks and do their own thing. That’s part of what makes them sexy. They have a rebellious charm that draws people in. Sexy bitches are very much related to the miss independent type that don’t take shit from anyone. These gorgeous beauties could pull off any crazy look or stunt. Guys would just freak to date a sexy bitch. Basic bitches either admire sexy bitches or despise them because they know that a sexy bitch is better than any type of basic. If you come across one, you are a very lucky person
Person 1: Mia is such a sexy bitch! I’d love to date her!

Person 2: Agreed😎
by Miapapz April 17, 2019
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This is a whole new level of freak and it’s also known as the most evolved level of freak. This person likes to be freaky yet they are also into spirituality and finding their higher self. They are also known as the most intelligent and authentic limited edition type of freak. Once you got a spiritual freak, you should never let em go bc they’d never come back to a narcissistic loser. You can’t just have their loyalty and devotion, you’d have to prove to them, put in effort and work yo ass off. They are the realest of them all and do not I mean DO NOT MESS OR LIE TO THEM! They have that bullshit detector in between their eyebrows! You know what that called? A Third Eye. If you do mess with them, they don’t try to physically fight you like a low level thug, they will whip you into shape with their sassy, classy, uniquely witty remarks. Never cross these people unless you are full of loyalty and devotion because they will bring you the same if you do try to put in effort to talk to them. They can also come off as highly intimidating for being themselves which is why there are a lot of people that avoid them. They are their own unique breed that’s full of passion, life, and the craving for the unknown mysteries that linger.

-Written By An Actual Living Spiritual Freak
Hoe- I wish I was a spiritual freak
Mia- If u wanna do that, u gotta whole load of bullshit to take care of first
by Miapapz February 14, 2020
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This girl is fucking hot as hell she has got two sides. She has her freaky side and her humble side although she is mostly freaky! She has a very slick and can be manipulative. She is known to be misjudged by other people because of her rough past. The good thing is she is usually a loyal friend unless they mess with her. Though she had a very rough childhood, it made her stronger as a person. She also has a very great fashion sense.

P.S- lowkey_lindsey4 was hereee!
Hector: Oh my god, is that lowkey_lindsey4 ? She is so smokin!🤤
Mia: Go get her!
by Miapapz April 14, 2019
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About at least more than a year later though not two (yet), I be looking at my old definitions from last year and I compare it to how much i've changed as a person this year. Some things were alright alto some if the things I say in those definitions are WACK asf. I'm def not the same person I was a year ago, I'll tell u that much. A few things have never changed like how I have many admirers, love to have a good time, spiritual diva asf, good intuition, etc. Things that did change includes the fact that I am much more humble especially when it comes to my confidence and who I am as a being. I am also more respectful with myself too! I was never a bad person, but looking back at my old definitions tells me I felt like I needed to prove a point as well as myself to everyone because I felt very misunderstood which I know now that I don't need to do that as I stopped giving a damn about what others might think of me. I even cut out all of the people that were super toxic in my life and i've never been happier. I seriously underwent a huge transformation and i'm super happy about it. I'm proud of how far i've come especially in this past year. For those that are currently going through similar or the same thing that I went through, u will get through it, I promise u that. As long as u put in the effort to work on your self as well as the self-love u need, u got this.
Person 1: Wow. I did not see that coming.

Person 2: I honestly did like her before, but now I like her even more! Damn, what a year later can do to someone.

P.S- Im forced to define this so : Damm, A Year Later
by Miapapz December 2, 2020
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