10 definitions by Mercury

The state of being extremely spiffy.

Also may be used as an exclamation.
That new book I read was spifferific!

Are you coming with us? Yes? Spifferific!
by Mercury January 17, 2004
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A suffix to the end of a typically shortened name. It serves as either fluff-text, or can be used affectionatly, depending on the tone used and personality, horoscope, planet alignnment, blood type, whether chocolate or strawberry, and mother's maiden name of the person you're speaking to.
"So, how is ze Tau-bit?"

by Mercury May 12, 2005
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An extremely gay French fancharacter created for a MegaMan Battle-Network related fanfiction and RP site. Has crush on Jazz.EXE.
Mercury wants to tap that hot boi Jazz's ass.
by Mercury January 23, 2005
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(adj.) Used to describe a person, especially a male, who seems to embody many female characteristics and mannerisms. Is not necessarily derrogative, just descriptive.
Q: Are you going to ask him out?

A: I don't know, he's kind of femmy, do you think he likes girls?
by Mercury January 17, 2004
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Basically, Russian, for 'very good'. However, used in an English, everyday context it means very little except to confuse people.

The reason that the word in particular is of any interest is that when pronounced, it sounds like 'horror show', which would be used to describe something completely opposite of very good.
"Yo, how are you?"

"Khorosho, thanks."

by Mercury March 20, 2005
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A word used to describe something quite small, or in a meaningless quantity.
"That makes me sad just a bit-bit."

"Britney Spears dog is called bit-bit. It therefore must be small."
by Mercury May 12, 2005
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