17 definitions by Mayuura

A pause from men. A break from the bitchuals of dating. A temporary state of bliss.
Daisy, you dating anyone?
Nah, not now.
I know this great guy, has a Harley David & Son. Interested?
Nah, thanks, am going through men-o-pause.
by Mayuura February 11, 2008
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A Republican who drops his party to join another. When he repents he rejoins the Republican Party and thus becomes a Born Again Repubican.
You know, Joe is kinda wishy washy.
Oh yeah, how come?
Well, he was first a Republican, then he joined Save the Killer Whale Party and now he is a Repubican.
Ahhh, I get it.
by Mayuura February 11, 2008
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frequently takes place when
two cows can´t reach a consensus.
It usually but not always happens
when the subject is academic.
Bo & Vin are discussing organic farming
and wonder how this will affect
them. Vin is concerned with all this
organic feed and no hormones her teats
won´t be as attractive as before.
Bo disagrees. The hormones they have been
given all their lives will retain Vin´s form.
Since neither of them can agree, they have reached
a moot point.
by Mayuura November 9, 2007
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A delirious state of hero worship for Hillary. An unmistakable condition where staunch supporters of Hillary show they would go to any length to prove their faith in her.
Dude: Did ya watch the news last nite?
Simple Simon: You kidding or what...was deep into American
Idol. Wha was so hot anyways?
Dude: The crowds braving the sleet and snow, they
must really love her...they were all hillyrious.
Simple Simon: Her, who?
Dude: The American Idol - Hillary.
by Mayuura February 11, 2008
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an unconscious(sic) desire for social intercourse
with a relative.
DON´T!! If you´re planning to up...your ante or for that matter anyone else´s ante think twice. You could be arrested for incest.
by Mayuura November 10, 2007
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A blogger spreading discreditable news about his fellow bloggers - out of pure envy of course.
A blonger is like a war/power monger. Perhaps he
can´t help himself. Suffers from some kind of personality
by Mayuura November 9, 2007
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a male individual who owes a female individual dollars
and cents.
In court, judges are usually more lenient with perpetrators
who confess "iowa dc." They refer the aforementioned
perp to an economist so he may gain knowledge on how
to manage dollars and cents.
by Mayuura November 10, 2007
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