7 definitions by MavrickSauls

Low Buck:

1. The act and or art of being extremely cheap!

2. When a corporation decides to save pennies to increase their stock at the cost/welfare of the human ants that scurry the earth.
3. Almost any act or deed performed
by the Government
4.when you deliberately tell your BFF to bring PBR and they show up with Milwaukee’s Best!
So, like Jimbob and I were car shopping the other day right! Yeah, so there we were, wonderfully looking for my next rent a ride and did you know? I know, I know you didn’t know! Yeah, so that manufacturer so and so went all low buck on the interior components. Man, I dislike it when they do that! Such a buzz kill on my Johnston
by MavrickSauls March 13, 2018
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Police officers cold as ice. Emotionless, subservient slaves. Who would rather put you in the ground than give you a day in court!

The name given for police in the short story CLANS. By Gocni!
Mavrik: dude what happened to Razor?
Saul: the Icers got him, they put him in the dirt
Mavrik: shouldn't have went alone Icers don't mess with us when we're in a group
Saul: Icers took away his tomorrow
Mavrik: they have a job to do listening to what the computer says!
Saul: guess we're all expendable youth
by MavrickSauls September 19, 2014
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Its an imaginary virtual land where everything is believable. Like being in high school for all ages. Who run around dancing with fairies and unicorns. Sending other Fakebook users annoying magical game requests. Having the Fakebook on the not so smart phone, then looking at everyone's life and seeing how great they have it! Its all real in Fakebook world. Fakebook husband and wives sending other Fakebook users messages about things that shouldn't be mentioned. Its all fun and games in Fakebook world till the reality Governor comes and takes it all away!
Petro holds onto his love device the all new Crapple pad. His eyes pure and bright with sheer excitement. Its like a lust, you'd swear he's five and its xmas time. But he's not five, he's damn near fifty! What's all the smiles about. He just got a cow from Fakefarmville and its suddenly raining golden gems. All while he's suppose to be working. Two co-workers look on watching the great mystery.

Stinky: whats up with Petro?
Vooger: he's in deep with Fakebook again most likely
Stinky: Well he better get out of that before the boss see's him again. The guy is always on Fakebook
Vooger: Ahhh its alright its just Fakebook land home of the fairies and unicorns

Stinky: I don't think the boss will like it that he's not getting his work done
Vooger: The boss! Good one, that's a laugh.
Stinky: Why is that a laugh?
Vooger: Why you didn't hear?

Stinky: Hear what? I haven't heard jack squat!
Vooger: Yeah like the rumor is he's on Fakebook too messaging Krueger's wife.

Stinky: Now that's hilarious
Vooger: wont be if Krueger finds out that fella is a real killer
Stinky: true but its just Fakebook land!
by MavrickSauls September 18, 2014
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1: When a person doesn't want to do a damn thing all day long but tip a few back sit in the sun and forget about it all.
Yeah this is Rederick. I won't be at work today cause I decided to relaxalazy it in the sun. Thanks for understanding and have a great day!!!
by MavrickSauls June 30, 2010
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An Asian that was born in America that really isn't an Asian they just think they are!
Mutt: Hey man, Yeah did you see that new Asian kid today?

IT: Oh you mean Tommy, yeah he isn't an Asian he's an imitasian!

Mutt: What's an imitasian?

IT: A person that looks Asian but is really an American.

Mutt: Oh, far out man!
by MavrickSauls January 11, 2011
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1: A ball less man led to the slaughter by a woman.
2: A man that treats a woman like a queen only to be left in the dirt, raped, pillaged and beaten and left for dead like the useless dog he is.
Man did ya see what happened to Joe blow over there. He gave that woman his all and she left him high and dry with nothing but empty pockets. He was mangaled! Shit ain't right man!
by MavrickSauls June 30, 2010
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Assentator: 1)A would be flatterer. 2) An idiot that thinks yes is always the answer. 3)An individual that portrays him/herself as the reason for being.
Hey Sleuth, did ya see what JJ is doing to Aunt Fray? Yeah, that assentator is just after the inheritance. Yeah you're right Sleuth, That's why it's a good thing we're spending her money now!
by MavrickSauls July 7, 2010
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