8 definitions by Matt_the_slime_slayer

Dwigglydorf: A dwigglydorf is an incredibly embarrassing strand of hair, that sticks up and wont stay down no matter what.
Slime: Umm, Matt, you've got a huge dwigglydorf lol.
Matt: I know, Slime -_-.
by Matt_the_slime_slayer June 21, 2016
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Tacx: To "tacx" means to claim an item that no one has claimed. It only works with small things, such as leftover pizza.
Matt: Oohh look, a pound coin. *Reaches for pound coin*
Slime: Tacx.
Matt: Nooooo
by Matt_the_slime_slayer June 21, 2016
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Saves: To call "saves" means that you get the last of whatever that person is consuming. However, if the person calls "no saves" before you call saves, then you call saves,that person gets to continue consuming their food/drink. Not only do they continue eating/drinking, but they automatically get saves on what you eat/drink next. You are only allowed to call saves if you can see the food on your victim.
Matt: Mmm, can't wait to eat these Doritos!
Slime: Saves.
Matt: Damn it.

Slime: Mmm, cant wait for this Mountain Dew! No saves.
Matt: Saves. Oops! Damn it!
Slime: Lol!!
by Matt_the_slime_slayer June 21, 2016
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Sprag: To "sprag" on someone means to tell someone of higher authority that they did something bad. For example, in school, you tell your teacher that Matt threw that paper aeroplane in her cup 'o' coffee, or tell your boss that Matt threw the blueprints the mansion he was building in a fire.
Matt: *Rolls up a paper ball, then puts it in his blowdart* See how you like this... *he blows the mini paper ball directly in the teachers eye*
Mr.Teacher: WHO DID THAT??!!!
Slime: Uhh sir, it was that child over there. *Points towards Matt*
Matt: *while walking past Slime* Slime you sprag!
by Matt_the_slime_slayer June 21, 2016
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The act of collecting spare bits of junk, in hope that you can make something cool.
Matt: Hey, you wanna go trundering with me?
Slime: Hell yes, I need some brass knuckles.
by Matt_the_slime_slayer June 21, 2016
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A bright ritual: The opposite of a dark ritual. It repels the effects of a dark ritual, and grants the user a bit of luck.
Matt:Hey, why did you use that dark ritual on me? I had to use a bright ritual to repel it!
Slime: It was a dare, I swear!
by Matt_the_slime_slayer June 21, 2016
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Sherping: Sherping is when you sniff the tip of a sharpie.
Matt: Uggh, I don't feel so well...
Slime: Have you been sherping?
Matt: Yes.
by Matt_the_slime_slayer June 21, 2016
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