5 definitions by Matt_D

An abbreviation for "I Eat Pieces Of Shit Like You For Breakfast".
Mike: You Suck.



Hank: ...no.
by Matt_D April 21, 2007
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"The Only Time Zone That Matters"

Used on the Internet in reference to EST (Eastern Standard Time)- The time zone used on the east coast of the U.S.
Mark: What time is the show on?
Rob: 9:00
Mark: 9:00... But what time zone?
Rob: 9:00 TOTZTM
by Matt_D February 17, 2008
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noun. A negative term synonymous with crap, shit, etc.
Sara: Dan did you remember to feed the Dog?

Dan: Ah, she-ite! I totally forgot.
by Matt_D September 24, 2006
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An common misspelling of the word she-ite.

She-ite, noun. A negative term synonymous with crap, shit, etc.
Sara: Dan did you remember to feed the Dog?

Dan: Ah, shitte! I totally forgot.
by Matt_D September 25, 2006
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Pronounced "She-Height" - A negative term synonymous with crap, shit, etc.
Sara: Dan did you remember to feed the dog?

Dan: Ah Shitte! I totally forgot.
by Matt_D September 24, 2006
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