4 definitions by ManyTreez

A word that should be in the dictionary, but isn't. Concept created by comedian Rich Hall.
"DISCONFECT (dis kon fekt')
v. To sterilize the piece of candy you dropped on the floor by blowing on it, somehow assuming this will `remove' all the germs" is one of my favorite sniglets!
by ManyTreez May 26, 2005
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To stay up all night working. Apparently some drop the "the", though this must be rare.
Man Bob, you must have really burned the midnight oil on this one!
by ManyTreez May 26, 2005
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To stay up all night working, usually a complaint about having done so against ones will. Usually preceded by "pulled an..."
Related to forms of toil, business, schoolwork, etc.
Sorry I'm so out of it, had to pull an all-nighter last night!
by ManyTreez May 26, 2005
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