1 definition by MadiMadiMadi

When somebody is so obviously retarded...cant take a single hint and they piss everyone off. They act totally gay and try way to hard to be funny. the combination of a ''fuckin retard'' : fuck-tard
Chik 1:
Hey, this guy totally tried to impersonate Seth Rogan,which I totally love Seth MuthaFuckin Rogan..not only was he NOT funny..he was 5 foot ugly..smelled like dirty vag..and when he laughed in my face I almost choked to death on his rotten ass-fuck dead-stank-breath! He really thought I liked him and he would NOT leave..!! LMAO!

Chik 2:
What a FUCK-TARD!!!

Chik 3: Yea..fuck-tards mhmm everyday..

Chik 1: Where the fuck did you come from chik# 3???


Fuck-Tard aka Chik #3: UUHHHGGGHHMMMMEEWW!!! I WAS JUST TRYIN TO BE AWSEOME LIKE YOUU..awww mann I hate my life!

Random Dude walkin by: I HATE YOUR LIFE TO BITCH! ( random dude most likely a fuck-tard)
by MadiMadiMadi February 28, 2010
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