14 definitions by Ma-Rak

A person who steals a phrase that you say and uses it repetitivley.
Sam: So I says to Kieth "Listen man I got mad ladies lining around the block."
later on in the day....
Jen: I got mad ladies lining up around the block.
Sam: You are such a phrase whore!
by Ma-Rak September 28, 2007
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A type of person. For example:Prep, Self-Absorbed, Diva, Drama Queen.
Ashley: OMG! My daddy wouldn't give me 100 dollars to go to the mall with! Just cuz I wrecked his new stang!
Bri(thinking to herself): Why do I hang out with this Alasmine?
by Ma-Rak October 25, 2007
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1. (noun) rusty nails
2. the best thing that has ever happened to you.
When I scored the game winning goal I was "OOO that was shiggin' higgin' lygar!"
by Ma-Rak November 4, 2007
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(v.) past tense of sauce: means to be owned.
1: He sauced 3 of our guys with his left and owned our keeper with an upper 90! It was terrible..
by Ma-Rak November 14, 2007
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A person who wants anything that you have that they don't have. It doesn't matter what it is they just have to have it.
Mel: Guess who I like
Kelsey: umm who?
Mel: Chase!
Kelsey: OMGWTFBBQ!!! I must meet him!
Mel: Kelsey you are such a stuff-whore!
by Ma-Rak September 22, 2007
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1. Something that is considered painful, but yet is really fun.
2. A person who is a pain to be around but the things that they have such as a Wii are fun.
Person 1: That Jonah kid is such a painfun!
Person 2: Why is that?
Person 1: He is so annoying but yet his house has some of the most amazing things!
by Ma-Rak January 18, 2008
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A person or an act that is totaly lame.
Person 1: My parents said that I couldnt go to the game with you.

Person 2: Well that's ass-poopy!
by Ma-Rak January 18, 2008
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