9 definitions by MCMXCV

The attraction to a girl that is possibley underage.
"Dude, that Stephanie from Lazy Town is pedolicious!"
by MCMXCV October 27, 2007
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The proper medical term (citation needed) for diarrhea induced by drinking excessive ammounts of gypsy juice causing a severe burning sensation to the anus on the way out.
Dave: "Kev are you OK in there?"

Kev : "No mate im shitting brown water that is burning the fuck outta my ass!"

Dave: "That'll be the green apple splatters, dude"

Kev : "It was your idea to buy that cheap fucking scrumpy, you twat!"
by MCMXCV April 26, 2008
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The mysterious solids that sometimes make their way into your mouth during cunnilingus.
"I was eating her out and then got this minge bogey in my gob!"
by MCMXCV January 30, 2008
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A sell out. Somebody who comprimises their integrity, morality and principles for money. It is commonly associated with attempts to increase mass appeal or acceptability to mainstream society. A person who does this, as opposed to following the original path they laid out for themself, suffers immediate loss of respect. The term comes from the prime example; Banksy, the UK based graffiti artist who writes of anti-consumerism and then goes on to make himself one of the most commercially successful brand names in the art world.
Dave: "Hey Kev, you still into Green Day?"

Kev: "Hell no Dave, after their American Idiot Album they've gone a bit Banksy"

Dave: "True"
by MCMXCV April 18, 2008
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A hand rolled cigarette made entirely from the recycled tobacco of discarded cigarette ends. The term 'stogie' was originally used to describe cheap cigars.
Dave: Hey Kev we're outta ciggies.

Kev : Pass me the ashtray and the skins then dude and ill roll a butt stogie!
by MCMXCV April 4, 2008
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Pronounced Mafia

An abbreviation of Minor Authority Figure In Action.
Somebody with a small ammount of power that lets it go to their heads and takes it very seriously. They actually enjoy using their tiny piece of power to cause upset in other peoples lives and were nearly always bullied at school. Commonly found spouting such gems as "I dont make the rules.." and "I'd love to help you."
These people include Traffic wardens, bouncers, security guards and the adolecent managers of McDonalds restraunts.
Bouncer: "Sorry mate no trainers."
Kev : "But that Guy just went in with trainers on."
Bouncer: "Sorry mate I dont make the rules"
Kev : "Well can I just go in and tell my mates I cant get in?"
Bouncer: "No"
Kev : "Ooooooo, Hark at the M.A.F.I.A."

Traffic Warden: "Im going to have to issue you with a ticket."
Dave : "What? The Meter ran out less than a minute ago!"
T.W : "Im sorry mate I dont make the rules."
Dave : "Fucking M.A.F.I.A"
by MCMXCV April 16, 2008
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Cider, especially rough scrumpy ciders.
Derived from the fact that scrumpy is the staple beverage of all gypsies.
Dave: "Fancy getting some beers in tonight, Kev?"

Kev : "I dunno dude, ive only got 74 pence!"

Dave: "Thats OK we can buy a whole Gallon of Gypsy Juice for that!"

by MCMXCV April 26, 2008
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